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Majorité, ca. 1886

Crayon, ink in pen and wash, and gold

background on paper | 550 x 380 mm


Signed lower right 'XMellery'

Titled 'Don de Majorité / Georges

David Picard / 1868 - 27 Avril - 1886'


Ancienne collection Georges David Picard

Académie Libre de Belgique (possibly as a gift from the above)

Private collection, Belgium

By 1986, cf. KIK/IRPA on longterm loan to Musée Camille Lemonnier

By 2000, recorded as on longterm loan to Maison d'Erasme, Brussels

 © Cedric Verhelst

Click image to enlarge

Gustave VANAISE - Les XX - ca. 1884


5ième Exposition des XX, Brussels, 1888. 

1ière Exposition de La Libre Esthétique, Brussels, 1894. (as part o/t series Esthétique Décorative)

Xavier Mellery: De ziel der dingen (L’âme des choses), Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam & Musée d’Ixelles, 2000


The Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels houses and exhibits (at the time of writing) a preparatory drawing for the present sheet. The sketch was donated to the museum by miss Pauline Van Beneden in 1967 and is catalogued as "Allegorical scene", pencil on paper, 336 x 330 mm, Inv. 7424. Since the donation of the Art Nouveau and Symbolist collection of Baron and Baroness Gillion Crowet in 2006, which was largely complementary to its original holdings, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels houses the most important collection of works by Xavier Mellery in the world.

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